“Now as they were eating, He said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, one of you will betray Me’ ” (Matthew 26:21).
How disappointing it must have been to Jesus to realize that a close friend and companion, Judas, would soon betray Him for a small amount of money. “Betrayal” is a word that needs little defining: it simply refers to one who deceives or to one who is disloyal or breaks a promise.
Judas has already bargained with the chief priests for thirty pieces of silver when Jesus reveals His knowledge of the betrayal. It was a cold and calculated action on the part of Judas.
When we are betrayed, it hurts deeply and we feel heart sick; but our hurt pales in comparison to what Jesus must have felt. Betrayals in our lives usually amount to hurt feelings, violation of trust, financial loss, or emotional distress; but in the case of Jesus, it amounted to His life—Judas sold Jesus for a paltry amount of money.
The message for us is that we are to be open and honest in all of our relationships as the scriptures teach in many places: we are never to lie to others (including subtle deceits), never to violate a trust by telling something we have agreed to keep in confidence, never to take something that belongs to another, or never to commit any other act that would come under the category of betrayal.