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The Love of the Father (12/31/2023)

Joe Norton

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him” (1 John 3:1).


The Apostle John’s words here remind us of one of the most powerful gifts the Father has laid upon us: His boundless love. We even have the great honor of being called His children. What an appropriate thought to remember as we close another year.


Indeed, it was God’s tremendous love that caused Him to send His Son to the earth to be the sacrifice for our sins, even though we did not deserve it. How shameful for us when we allow our comparatively meaningless activities to interfere with our devotion and daily service to Him. He deserves the best we have to offer.


Even John is frustrated as he contemplates the situation of the world during his time: people for the most part refused to “know” God—that is to accept Him on His terms; consequently, they did not “know” the apostles and others who dedicated themselves in service to Him.


May we, then, find solace as we go forward into another year and attempt to convince those around us to show more love to God, to be more dedicated to His Cause, and to care more about the eternal destiny of all whom we can influence.


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