Teachings from Job 37
“God thunders marvelously with His voice;
He does great things which we cannot comprehend” (Job 37:5).
Thunderstorms and all of the activities that go with them—like thunder, lightning, and rain—are beyond our human comprehension. Scientists, for years, have tried to figure them out and explain them to mankind, but we still have trouble understanding how they work.
Elihu here says it is the same with God, and he uses thunderstorms to remind Job of just how marvelous and mighty the power of God is; in fact, he says, it too, is impossible for us to understand fully.
While we know the things about God that He wants us to know, we realize His power exceeds our human capacity to understand all that He does and has done for mankind as well as His concern for our eternal welfare.
In view of such power and compassion, it is appropriate that we pause to consider seriously what God as our heavenly Father should mean to us and what our reaction to His love should be.