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Betrayal (1/28/2024)

Joe Norton

“Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went to the chief priests and said, ‘What

are you willing to give me if I deliver Him to you?’ And they counted out to him thirty

pieces of silver. So from that time he sought opportunity to betray him” (Matthew


One can only imagine the feeling of deep disappointment and hurt Jesus must have

felt when Judas carries through with his plan and betrays Him into the hands of evil,

sinful men. Jesus was divine enough to know this situation had to occur but human

enough to experience emotions at just the thought of it.

“To betray” means “to be disloyal to” in any way—such as, by not respecting a

confidence with which we have been entrusted or by deliberately trying to damage

another’s reputation. When we are betrayed—by family or friend—it is most

assuredly not in the same league with Judas’ betrayal of the Lord; but such an action

does stimulate within us helpless and disappointing feelings.

Betrayal goes against everything Jesus taught and stood for when He was on the

Earth—it is the opposite of the compassion, concern, and love He has taught we are

to have, especially toward our brothers and sisters in Christ and even toward others

in the world.

By implanting within ourselves biblical principles about relationships and by always

weighing the impact of our words and actions upon others, each of us can train

ourselves to be the kind of Christian Jesus wants us to be and we can be the kind of

person others respect and depend upon.


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